It was Cha'Chat, of that Harry had no doubt. And to
prove the point, the demon took off at a run, the limbs and prodigious
buttocks stirred to a fandango with every step. By the time Harry had
cleared his way through the crowd the demon was already turning the
corner into Ninety-fifth Street, but its stolen body was not designed
for speed, and Harry rapidly made up the distance between them. The
lamps were out in several places along the street, and when he finally
snatched at the demon, and heard the sound of tearing, the gloom
disguised the vile truth for fully five seconds until he realised
that Cha'Chat had somehow sloughed off its usurped flesh, leaving
Harry holding a great coat of ectoplasm, which was already melting
like overripe cheese. The demon, its burden shed, was away; slim as
hope and twice as slippery. Harry dropped the coat of filth and gave
chase, shouting Hesse's syllables as he did so.
Surprisingly, Cha'Chat stopped in its tracks, and turned to Harry. The
eyes looked all ways but Heavenward; the mouth was wide and
attempting laughter. It sounded like someone vomiting down an elevator
"Words, D'Amour?" it said, mocking Hesse's syllables. "You
think I can be stopped with words?"
"No," said Harry, and blew a hole in Cha'Chat's abdomen before the
demon's many eyes had even found the gun.
Robert Parkinson : "Probably the strongest asset Cutting Edge has is the variety of fiction it contains...Though [it] has to sell itself on the big names it features, no-one should dismiss the stories from the lesser-known writers. Each story has been carefully chosen for its quality and not just to make up the 300 pages the book stretches to. For any serious reader of macabre fiction this is the sort of book that publishers would describe as a must to lure the reader but in this case they happen to be telling the truth."
A Book At Bedtime - Cutting Edge review
By Robert Parkinson, Samhain No.8, April 1988
D. Kuraria : "[Cutting Edge] is a real treat; a feast truly worth devouring by anyone addicted to the Horror drug... Messrs Bloch, Matheson, Straub and Barker deliver their goods in the delicious way that is expected of them. Clive Barker's Lost Souls is reminiscent of his earlier story The Yattering And Jack; but like the latter, it is refreshingly original in its treatment of the possession theme."
In The Bad Books - Cutting Edge review
By D. Kuraria, Terror Australis Issue Vol 1, No 1, Autumn 1988
Lost Souls bibliography...