Written by Clive Barker, Mark Miller, art by Haemi Jang, cover art by Goni Montes and Ben Oliver, published by Boom! Studios
Sparked by a collaborative photoshoot between Clive and Mark Miller, the story of Next Testament (its title refreshed from the former 'New Genesis') was developed and is now set to be released as a 12-issue comic series by Boom! Studios. Written by Mark and with art by Haemi Jang (who also worked on Hellraiser: The Road Below) the series is set to hit shelves in May 2013.
Watch out for limited cover art by Clive for Issue 1 and a 'Scripture' incentive variant for Issue 2..
Revelations : "With Issue One about to arrive, what's in store for us all, Mark? And how did the project come about?"
Mark Miller : "Next Testament is a project that Clive and I have wanted to do for a long time. It's been one of those things that we kicked back and forth every once in a while, hammering out little details here and there, so the story has been a part of our vernacular for quite some time. We just never knew quite what to do with it. But Boom! had always said to us that they wanted Clive to feel as though he had a home with them, so we were ever on the prowl for what might make a great new comic. And then, when I finished my arcs on Hellraiser, I had a conversation with Matt Gagnon and Chris Rosa at Boom! about what would come next. I was ready to start something new.
"They were ready for something nobody had seen, and I realized then that Next Testament would be the perfect fit. I asked Clive how he felt about moving forward with it, and he loved the idea. I then pitched it to Boom! and they flipped for it. The rest, as you'll soon see, is history. It was really one of those cross sections of opportunity meeting preparation. And we couldn't be happier with how it's working out.
"Haemi Chang is doing the art for every issue. She's the artist who did such an amazing job on the miniseries we produced earlier this year, The Road Below. We wanted to make sure we could seal the deal with her as soon as possible, so we sent a few character descriptions and what she turned in made our jaws drop. The best part is that she's a one woman show. She illustrates and colors! I can't even draw a crooked line properly. But she's bringing all these characters to glorious life. We've approved a few covers already we're completely blown away.
"As for the story itself, it's huge, so it could really only fit a 12 issue arc. If the title tells you anything, we are sort of inventing our own mythology here. Or... possibly the mythology is inventing us. One never really knows when it comes to a story this powerful. Much as I'd like to spill all the beans right here and, everything is being kept under lock and key, so all I can really say is that Next Testament is the story of a man who went looking for God and found more than he bargained for. And I really have to credit Boom!'s brilliant ad team. They came up with what might be my favorite tagline of all time: 'God is Back. God help us all'.
"Honestly, that says it all."