"All is death, woman. All is pain. Love breeds loss. Isolation breeds resentment. Mo matter which way we turn, we are beaten. Our only true inheritance is death. And our only legacy, dust."
"I am doing another Books of Blood collection and I'm writing a sequel to the book on which Hellraiser was based - this will be Pinhead's first appearance on the page, because he isn't even named in the original."
By Jay Stevenson, Imagi-Movies, Vol 1, No 2, Winter 1993/94
"I have more mixed emotions about going back to the horror stuff than I thought I would, and it's really only the horror stuff. I went back and one of the things I'm doing, as a sort of fun thing is going back to a few of the monsters I've created and just writing a couple of short stories about them. And there's this guy with fucking pins in his head, and I thought I should just revisit this guy, to just see who he is these days - it's ten years since I wrote this guy, you know? - What does he sound like these days? How is he? How's he been? You know, is his mother well? All of that stuff, and what was interesting was turns of phrase about oozing viscera which would have just dropped from my pen so readily trouble me a lot more now. And I'm kind of intrigued by that! I don't know quite why that is; I used to be incredibly squeamish about blood and I'm not anymore, but I'm amazed to see how much more these things trouble me, upset me. And I think maybe it's good that they upset me. I think some of the images that have come out are perhaps more powerful this time round because my stomach is churning when I'm writing them. That is a function of age to some extent. I mean, it's a function of experience; I've sat by deathbeds in the last five years and held people's hands while they've passed - things that hadn't happened to me when I was 30, 31 when I wrote those first stories. I'm a different person - I'm not saying better or worse - I'm just different and some of the kind of mean-spirited viciousness of some of those early stories surprises me. I went back and I thought, 'My God!' - I was quite surprised at what I'd actually put on the page, and I want to get some of that in. And it was sort of fun; the Pinhead thing was kind of entertaining because I was sitting there and it was like, it was like an old friend, I did feel a little like Jim Henson and Kermit, you know, here was the sweet little guy, back again. Doug Bradley, who plays Pinhead in the movies is one of my oldest friends, I've known him since I was fourteen or fifteen, he's obviously an extraordinarily fine actor... so now I start to write about him, literally this last two or three days, and it feels like I'm channelling Doug Bradley!"
LA Times Festival of Books
Transcript of an interview by Martin Smith at the LA Times Festival of Books, 25 April 1998
"I don't discount the possibility I will do more short stories after
the Pinhead/Harry story which is a very important story for me in my
mythology because it will be the last thing that I will ever write
about Pinhead. Because after this there will be no more Pinhead
stories. Because this story is the end of Pinhead. This story will
mark his death.
"[Hellraiser Inferno] is just an abomination. I want to actively go on
record as saying I warn people away from the movie. It's really
terrible and it's shockingly bad, and should never have been made. So
I want to give Pinhead a good send-off. I want to do it right. If we
are going to get rid of the old guy, let's do it with some style. So
my whole idea was if I do it with Harry I can bring in two characters
at the same time and sort of weave their stories together.
"What it will do for me is kill him in my mythological range. Others
may wish to pick the story up and do something else with him, but as
far as I'm concerned once I've told the story, it's the last of the
"What I'm trying to do is give the guy a decent dignified send-off.
It's really important to me, and I think he's a great monster. I
really hate the way he's been treated in this film. It depressed me."
By [Craig Fohr], Lost Souls Newsletter, September / December 2000>
"I'm also working on another collection of short stories for adults. This should be out after Galilee. You know, it's great fun! I'd forgotten what fun it is to do stories that you can finish in three weeks as opposed to 14 months. It's very gratifying to complete material in that time frame. What I'm trying to do in this collection is really trying to cross back and forth across the generic boundaries . You'll have some horror, some science fiction, fantasy, etc... It's really a reflection of the range of writing that I have been doing in the last few years. I'm also going to be revisiting some of my old mythologies, which will be big fun."
By [Stephen Dressler and Cheryl Bentzen], Lost Souls, Issue 10, June 1998
"Then I will do a collection of short stories which I talked about briefly. Which does have some D'Amour, and a Hellraiser story in it. I'm returning to these mythologies and it was kind of interesting because I thought I would do these things and I thought 'Geez I want to tell a story about the man with pins in his head. I haven't told about him for a long time.' I'm looking forward to that."
Explorer From The Far Reaches Of Experience
By Kim August, Pharr Out! 1998
[re time-lag between writing sequels] "It's kind of interesting, because I'm writing a Harry D'Amour vs. Pinhead short story right now, so the same question pertains. But it's tremendous fun. They walk onto the page and I think, 'Hey, man, it's good to see you!'"
Lord of New Illusions
By W.C.Stroby, Fangoria, No 175, August 1998
"I had a hard time persuading my publisher to let me do a collection
of short stories. But my approach was 'Well, I've done Everville,
Sacrament, and now Galilee. And they're all huge novels.' So I said,
'Guys, give me a break. I've been a good soldier here, writing these
big novels, and having a great time doing it. But I now have 20 really
cool ideas for short stories, and I really need to write them.
Otherwise I'll go crazy!'
Finally they said, 'Go to it.'
"It's wonderful! I'm having the greatest fun doing it because I'm able
to revisit characters that I haven't written about in a long time. One
of the stories is a confrontation between Harry
D'Amour, whom I've written about a number of times, and the character
Pinhead from the Hellraiser movies. And I'm having the best time
writing that story, you know? [laughs] And there's going to be a
couple of other places where I'll revisit past characters and update
my approach to them. And there'll be a bunch of new stuff: new ideas
... and new worlds ... and new mythologies. So the book is going to be
a very comprehensive cross section of 'the worlds of Clive Barker,' if
you will."
Clive Barker: Master of the Fantastique
By Stanley Wiater, Amazon.com, 1999 (note, interview took place 1998)
"One of the things I'm trying to do in the story with D'Amour and Pinhead is, I actually want to kind of make Pinhead feel fucked. I want people to make fools of him as he breathes his last and with no hope of resurrection. No sequels. I swear the way he's going - I have plotted this - the way he's going is so total, is so complete that the most optimistic film producer in Hollywood could never dream of resurrecting him! So I'm going to 'off' him, and I want the audience to say, 'Good'."
The Good, The Bad, And The Light In The Dark
By Phil Stokes, at the Write On! talk at Everyman Theatre, Liverpool, 11 November 1998
"Now, I'm writing a story right now: Harry d'Amour, who's a character I've written about
many times, finally does away with Pinhead. It is the end of Pinhead; there is no
possibility of resurrection... No! And there is a profound satisfaction in that.
"I'm going to give it away - he commits suicide. And that's why he's gone - it's suicide.
"And one of the interesting things I'm playing with in this text is, I'm playing with a
character that everybody's familiar with. Mostly people are familiar not from the words,
and so I'm very aware when I bring this man on the page that he trails movies with him,
that it's his movie reputation that he brings on stage, on the page with him."
Transcript of Platform Performance
Interviewed by Russell Manley, Jeffrey Hall, London, 23 September 1999
"I went to the Aberdeen islands, which are off the west coast of Scotland, with my mother and my husband, David, for a few days in the summer, and we had two-hour nights up there. You watch the sun go down at midnight and rise at 2 o'clock in the morning. I would get up and go to a Viking cemetery within walking distance. I would sit on these grave stones. Who knows who's buried there. The words have long-since been eroded by the sea air and lichen. The graveyard will appear in... in the next two years I'm doing one last Pinhead story. It is about the death of Pinhead. I'm finally killing off the fucker. It will appear in those stories."
Barker Worse Than His Bite?
By [ ], PC Gameplay.co.uk, 19-23 February 2001
"I think it will be relatively short.
Just because I feel as though the fiction I have in mind of Harry
D'Amour meets Pinhead - the story is not going to be super short it's
not gonna be 25 pages nor is it going to be 700. It's going to be a
novella. And I want to give time to the Pinhead story to finish him
off graciously...
"It would be a fond hope of mine actually, that somebody would
actually see, that somebody from Dimension would read the thing and go,
Wait a second, maybe we can do something a little bit more graceful
with this character than what we've been doing recently.' "
By Craig Fohr and Kelly Shaw, Lost Souls, March 2001 (note - interview took place 14 December 2000)
"At the end of the year I will also deliver to Harper Collins a collection of short stories which will collect up a bunch of stuff that has been floating around for a while, there's a Harry D'Amour story which had been published a long time ago [Lost Souls], which has not been collected... There is about 5 or 6 stories which are already around which have not been collected. There is also about 70 or 80 thousand words of new material, which will include, and most importantly actually, the novella, "The Scarlet Gospels," which is giving the title to the book. The novella "The Scarlet Gospels" which will be the end once and for all of the Hellraiser mythology because I am killing Pinhead. So I am delivering that the end of this year for autumn the following year."
By Craig Fohr and Kelly Shaw, Lost Souls at www.clivebarker.com, 18 May 2001
"The collection of short fiction will be delivered at the end of this year, which will include the Harry D'Amour/Pinhead story which will bring an end to Pinhead once and for all... I'm writing his death scene; whether they choose to take account of that in the movies is up to them, but I am writing his death scene and after which I will have no more literary or cinematic dealings with him whatsoever."
Nips And Tucks, Tits And Fucks
By Phil and Sarah Stokes, 10 July 2001 (note - full text here)
"The only thing that I'm going to do in a relatively short form is the
final Hellraiser story dispatching that damn fellow with the pins in
his head - that I will not do at great length. But it won't be a short,
short story, it will still, I think, be a novella, perhaps the match of
The Hellbound Heart, I'm not sure - I always underestimate what these
are going to take!
"There's also a lot of stories that I created for Scarlet Gospels which
are very erotic, complete and ready to rock and roll. There's a tale
called Jehovah's Bitch, which is one of the most outrageous things
I've ever written, and I hope to get into that [short story] collection"
Open Roads... What Price Wonderland?
By Phil and Sarah Stokes, 3 April 2002 (note - full text here)
"This will be basically an anthology of new stories including the final Hellraiser I've been promising myself I would write for a long time. My farewell to that whole mythology even as somebody else continues to make the movies I wanted to be able to close that door once and for all. I should say close that box once and for all. That's why I'm going to do that as part of this anthology, which will than also contain a number of stories that are now out of print. So it will be a mixture of the old and the new."
By Craig Fohr, Lost Souls, 1 August 2003 (note - full text online at Lost Souls)
"I have no reason to believe the short story collection will not precede Abarat III. I have one story left to do, which is the
Hellraiser / D'Amour story which I'm writing right now - or actually stopped writing to go and do the final pass on the Tortured Souls
script, but then will go back to. And my hope is that in the time between Universal receiving the Tortured Souls script and either
saying yea or nay to it, I will finish the D'Amour / Pinhead story and it can go its merry way with the rest of the stories and the
collection will be complete. I've plotted it [D'Amour / Pinhead], I'm actually writing it, I've actually written probably 200 pages of it, of
handwritten draft. So, it's going to be a long, sort of a novella, I suppose. I forget where the numbers begin - I think a novella begins at
sort of 17,000 words, I'm not sure, it's a very strange number... I do remember somebody saying it was 17,000 - in which case this
will definitely be a novella, not a short story, because I think I'm probably edging towards 17,000 words already!
"I don't want to make a separate book of it, I don't believe it justifies a separate book. I think it's perfect that it goes with a collection
of fiction that either hasn't seen print yet (and including some of the stories that I had created for the Scarlet Gospels) or a few pieces
which have never been put between covers before, but have been anthologised - loosely - like Lost Souls, the short story that I did all
that time ago for Time Out, and things that need to be under a cover with Clive Barker's name on the front, for completeness' sake.
"I'm trying to get Pidgin and Theresa in there and, there's a bunch of little things. I'm even going to take a couple of the pieces from
David's book, from Rare Flesh - not the poetry, but the things which have more narrative cohesion and I'm just going to put a couple of
those in there too. So it will be a pretty authoritative collection, I think. Not super-long, but definitely interesting and diverse: some
erotic stuff in there, some fantastical stuff in there, some horrific stuff in there. Just in case anybody thought I'd lost my nerve where
the horror stuff is concerned during all this Abaratian stuff, the Hellraiser story is blood-curdlingly horrible! I kind of surprised myself
with the gusto with which I went back to it! I've been saving it up and it got loose in this story in a major way. And of course I want to
pay my respects to all that's been done with the character in my absence, as it were. I've got to pay some homage to the fact that
the character has been moved on in those other movies and certainly - and this is the most important point of homage, I think - to
Doug, who has been the thread through all these stories and whose character I am now bringing to what I'm sure he thinks is a
premature end! Now, whether this means it will be a premature end as far as the movies are concerned - who can say? But as far as
I'm concerned, I am writing the death of Pinhead...
"I'm backing and forthing about [the Tortured Souls pieces], because... I'm not sure I like them sufficiently, to be perfectly honest. I
have mixed feelings about them, partly, I suppose, because they served another purpose - that they weren't there strictly as literature,
if you will. So I suppose I have some questions about whether I like them sufficiently to put them in there, in a collection like this.
"Lost Souls and Coming To Grief will both definitely be in the collection. Amen's Shore will definitely be in the collection, The
Departed will definitely be there, Pidgin and Theresa we spoke of, yes. Animal Life - definitely. You see, what I like about all these is
that they really were intended as short stories, whereas to me, somewhere at the back of my head is the feeling that, however hard I
try, the fiction from Tortured Souls is, you know, stuff that was written to go with some toys - and I'm not sure it really belongs in a
collection, I really don't... Chiliad will be there - both parts. If you put all of those together, you actually find you've got a shitload of
stuff - there's a lot of stuff there... once you add the very considerable size of the Hellraiser story, plus, obviously, the stuff from
Scarlet Gospels - that's a lot of material. And I'm excited to be able to put all this stuff together. I think there's a very fun collection
here, and a very diverse collection and, as I say, with the addition of the Hellraiser story, Hellraiser novella, it's going to be quite a
In Anticipation Of The Deluge: A Moment At The River's Edge
By Phil and Sarah Stokes, 1 and 12 July 2004 (note - full text here)
"You know I'm doing this Hellraiser story, the Scarlet Gospels one, which began as a modest little tale... It's now 90,000 words and counting! And so it's now actually a short novel, by definition a short novel... 'It growed like Topsy, sir, honest guv'nor!' What happened was I lightly introduced Jesus into the narrative, thinking I could get away with a quick mention and out again, you know? Actually it was Joseph of Arimathea that I introduced - who brought the Holy Grail actually back to Cornwall, to a tin mine, according to fable. And that sort of got me excited about the narrative in a whole new way and I realised I couldn't finish my man, Pinhead, off in a tale that also has room for Joseph of Arimathea without really dealing some. Otherwise it was going to be a thin little tale and people were going to say Barker should have allowed the richness of this narrative to actually play out - and I would have been one of those people who would have said it. So, I'm glad it's larger and it'll also take up a few more months to finish up. Jane, God bless her!, Jane Johnson is so fantastically in synch with me and always has been and I think it comes from her being a novelist herself. I mean, I think she knows things change and develop and grow and sometimes get out of control and sometimes don't go the way you want them - like the first draft of Abarat II. And so I said to her, 'I'm fighting - this thing's bigger than I thought it was going to be,' and she said, 'You know, this isn't the first time you've told me this, Clive.' Which it certainly isn't!."
There And Back Again: Touring The Abarat
By Phil and Sarah Stokes, 30 November 2004 (note - full text here)
"The Hellraiser novel, which was of course a short story and then became a novella and is now a 120,000 word novel is... I am
halfway through the final draft and it is very fun to write, I must say. It's very fun to write but it's now reasonably big; I guess it'll
be 400 pages... In about June or July, they'll get this 120,000 word Hellraiser book with the possibility of making it a compilation
which will add another 300 pages to it; that's a big book, that's a 700 page book which will be full of very adult material.
"I would like it to [stay within the Scarlet Gospels collection] and I don't believe we will know, honestly, what Harper's marketing
people will decide until they see the text. There are two opinions here. One is that you take the novel and you separate it off and
you make it a thing unto itself which would be perfectly fine, I don't think people would be bothered by a novel that was that
length on its own and there's an argument that says it slightly gets lost among a collection of other things which include reprints.
But on the other hand part of me, the completist part of me, wants to fling everything into this, probably 700 page book, which
would contain as its main entrée, if you will, this novel...
"There is a huge enthusiasm to do the short stories and to print everything that's missing that isn't in print, plus of course a lot of
the short stories that I've created that I haven't even published - and really I hate to say this, but it sort of is a marketing question.
I'm concentrating on the bit that I can have control over, which is writing the book and we'll see what happens. I guess there is a
part of me that thinks it would be nice for it to stand alone, more than I thought, because it's quite the big story. You know, we
have two of my major characters clashing and I was thinking that if all stories are part of one vast collective unconscious story,
then probably the Ur story is the descent into the Underworld; it's certainly the Shaman story, and Harry does that in this book,
you know, he descends in pursuit of another soul, a soul whose name he doesn't even know and there's something quite potent
about that idea and I wouldn't want it to sort of get lost in a collection of short fiction. But maybe it wouldn't. In other words, I'm a
Libran and I can't make up my fucking mind!"
"I think the argument for pulling the Hellraiser fans is if you put that on the cover then maybe you also tempt them in to reading
some kind of fiction that they wouldn't otherwise have read because the collection is pretty disparate, including obviously the two
stories that bookended Millenium/Revelations which is one of my favourite pieces of my own fiction and is much under-read,
much under-found, much under-published."
The Hellbound Art : Memory, Fantasy And Filigree
By Phil and Sarah Stokes, 10 February 2005 (note - full text here)
"It's going to be a big book now - I never thought it would be a big book. But once I started to write it, I realised that in a way
I knew a lot of things about hell and a lot about Pinhead - that character that had never appeared in any movie or comic
book or anything. These are things which are in my head - and it had been in my head for many years - but that I have
never written about. So I'm putting all of that into the book. I'm doing my very best to really develop the mythology and to
make this Clive Barker's definitive book of hell...
"So its called the 'Scarlet Gospels' - the thought that I have had for this collection of short fiction - but it actually seems to
belong to this novel - it seems to want to belong to this novel... it will be a single volume. This will be a novel on its own I
think. And then we will do the collection of short fiction at a later point, I have got a lot of short fiction, which we have not
been published.
"And what I haven't realized until I have started writing, was how passionate I felt about the character of Pinhead. I suppose
part of it is that I become very familiar with the image of the - like everybody has - the toys, the game, obviously the films
and so on. But when I actually went back and wrote about him, wrote in his voice, as it were, I realized that he became
more interesting than he had a chance to be in most of the movies. Most of the movies make him into just a simple villain,
who is just there, doing this thing, he's there to cause trouble. And I wanted to write something more complex about him, I
think he is quite a complex character. You know he isn't Freddy Krueger, he isn't Jason Voorhees, he is something more
eloquent and possibly elegant. And so I really wanted to explore this character and really give him a chance to speak one
last time - very eloquently."
Clive Barker On The Phone
By [Thomas Hemmerich], That's Clive!, 29 March 2005 (note - full text online at www.clivebarker.de)
"During the day, I am shedding blood like nobody's business in The Scarlet Gospels, which is quite an interesting return
to a voice that I thought I'd lost and I'm happy to discover had simply gone into hiding for a while... The tone of Scarlet
Gospels is going to remind you I think, in its taking-no-prisoners way, of some of the harsher stories in the Books of
Blood and that was a bit of a test for me - did I still have that voice? Was I still, at 52, willing to be that harsh, that cruel?
"When I got Pinhead on stage with D'Amour - and I've actually got him onstage with D'Amour as a boy, he meets D'Amour
at a Catholic school as a twelve year-old / thirteen year-old, a fully mixed-up, fucked-up thirteen year-old is the first time
he encounters this creature - it suddenly, suddenly I realised that this hard-hearted Barker that really liked the imagery,
the almost nihilistic imagery that was a part of the Books of Blood, I was really happy to revisit it; I felt there was validity
in it. It's interesting to me and I've written seventeen hand-written pages this morning which is very, very unlike me, to get
seventeen pages out in a morning - normally I am really pushing by five o'clock to get my twenty and I'm having a good
time is part of it. Part of it is, 'Oh, hello Clive, I'm Clive,' you know? So many of the journeys that I've taken in the last
few years have taken me to such diverse places, and sometimes very sad places; Sacrament has such sadness in it,
certainly, and I think the stuff I did for Chiliad, you know, that was pretty melancholy stuff. Abarat has brightened me and
painting brightens me, and when I'm bright, I can go into the dark places more comfortably. It's only when you're actually
in a really, really dark place that the idea of getting up in the morning and going into these dark places yourself is really
"Lazarus Requiem was, is my notes for Scarlet Gospels. I kind of liked that, the ridiculous paradox of that title, you know,
but it sounded, wierdly, too science-fictional. You'd be surprised how many 'Requiem's there are in science-fiction. So -
and I rather like Scarlet Gospels more, so - but I'm actually making reference to the Lazarus Requiem within the text, I'm
going to put that in."
The Lazarus Muse: Nights Of Magic, Days Of Gore
By Phil and Sarah Stokes, 2 June 2005 (note: full text here)
"I am writing a novel called The Scarlet Gospels right now, in which a fellow with pins in his head comes to a fucking terrible end. And it's time - he's old, he's senile, his colostomy bag keeps breaking. Doug Bradley, who plays him will never forgive me! So, yeah, I'm writing that book that will come out next and meanwhile I'm doing Abarat stuff and meanwhile I'm doing Jump Tribe stuff. So Scarlet Gospels will come out, it's about a five hundred page novel, will come out next year."
Jump Tribe Panel
San Diego Comic Con, 14 July 2005
"I am into the final draft of The Scarlet Gospels and it's very bloody and very intense - very intense - I'm quite surprised how intense it's got. I think I thought I got used to whatever the S&M overtures or undertones of the Cenobites were; I think I thought, 'Oh well, there's nothing there that could distress or disturb me now,' but in seeking out something which would distresss and disturb my audience, I seem to have found some things to distress and disturb me! It's good!"
Rummaging Through The Toybox: Plushes, Plagues and Plaudits
By Phil and Sarah Stokes, 11 August 2005 (note: full text here)
"I think good horror can come from writers of any age. I felt I'd lost that mercilessness with age but it turns I haven't. I think this new book is darker and crueller than anything in the Books of Blood."
Raising Hell
By Duncan Bell, Bizarre, No 106, January 2006
"I'm in a faintly, not a philosophical place in the Scarlet Gospels, but I'm waking out of a dream of transformation which is what's
going on on the pages - on page... I can give you a number! Page 1,209 of the final draft... [of] three thousand and something...
"I think the mind is constantly thinking on this and I'd certainly been thinking for a very long time about how I would eventually bring
eloquent and respectful closure to the life of a character who has been very good to me. But then I realised that to be respectful and
all that good stuff, I also needed to be epic because there was a sense that there was an epic structure somewhere behind him that
the films didn't show and my original thought was that I would simply tell a tale of closure that was the size of the tale which
introduced him - thirty thousand words - and then I thought that does him a terrible injustice, because we are teased over the films
with a sense that there is something, some huge structure there in which he belongs, in which he has a significant part and how can I
write that, how can I bring him to his final act without first taking him, taking my readers through what that system is - in other words,
taking them down to Hell and showing them what the Order of the Cenobites are and where he belongs in them and what the
consequences of rebellion on his part might be, and so on and so forth...
"You can start this book and have read nothing, seen nothing - it's fine. If you have seen the first movie, that's fine. If you've seen
the second movie, probably that's fine too. If you've read the novella - The Hellbound Heart - surely, that's fine too. Beyond that, I
cannot really... I need to create for Hell the kind of scheme of power and domination and hierarchy, the kind of Byzantine goings-on
which I think people find have such fun, have such fun with elsewhere in my fiction and, good God, if it's happening anywhere it's
happening in Hell! And so I have, I think, three or four huge surprises in the novel which are about what Hell is and who its architects
might be and so on - I don't want to give too much away - all of which are then married to Harry, Norma Paine - the blind medium who
appears in a couple of stories with Harry - and of course with the Hell-priest, Pinhead. And by tying these characters to this pretty
enormous mythology, which is as significant a re-writing of it from what a medieval scholar would have recognised, but is not a
violation, it's a development from ideas which you would recognise from paintings of Hell or illuminations of Hell in a medieval book...
"I've always felt there were contradictions built into the system deliberately by me at the very beginning - like, 'Pleasure gets you pain,
but you want the pain in a way because it gives you pleasure' that are worth going back to and looking at again as a writer in going
back to Hell. So I've just got five people and an animal are about to enter Hell - the second half, the second two-thirds of the book are
set in Hell and they are the most mis-matched bunch of people - a dirty half-dozen..! Trust me, I would love to list them because
you'd be entertained but it really, really would spoil it. When you come to that moment in the book you'll have a quiet giggle to
yourselves; you'll realise what a totally mis-matched bunch of freakoids these guys are! Wonderful people, but they're all oddities,
they're all people who are in some sense or other at the edge of culture, of our culture, like so many of my characters and now they're
all together in what I suppose I would think is the largest adventure that I could conceive of that did not take place in another world,
unless you view Hell as another world, which in some ways is what I'm doing."
Abarat. Abarat. Abarat. Abarat... Abarat!
By Phil and Sarah Stokes, 13 and 20 March 2006 (note: full text here)
"I'm on the final draft of Scarlet Gospels... I'm on page 1,959... These are big buggers, you know... I hear people saying it'd go
so much faster if you type it in, but I'm an old fashioned kind of guy. What works for me works for me, and I tend to be
loyal to the things which work best for me... I do little doodles sometimes in the margins, how a creature might look or how a
street might be arranged or how a world might be arranged, which I need to go back to and reference later on. Or I'll play
through particularly inventive variations of invented names. I really try and do that. I do like the fact that on this page that I've
almost finished there are one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve... thirteen smaller scribblings
and one entire line scribbled out. And the nicest thing about that is I can still see what's beneath it, which is useful because when
I come to do the final polish it will have been typed out, and I'll have this by my side - I'll tend to go back to the handwritten draft and
peer through the scribbling. And sometimes I'll find that the first decision, the first choice I made was the better of the two...
"You reach me half an hour after an incredible sort of coincidence that's happened. Harry D'Amour in The Scarlet Gospels - the
hero of The Scarlet Gospels - is pursuing Pinhead across the landscape of Hell; I won't tell you what Pinhead's plot is, but he
does have one... Halfway across Harry is given access to a vision of Christ which he doesn't necessarily particularly want, but
he gets it anyway. I won't tell you the circumstances, because that's sort of fun - the way it comes about... Christ's on a cross and
Harry's drawn in this vision very, very close to Christ. And he can see the barbs of the thorns, how deeply they dig into the flesh of
Christ's head. And what he hadn't realised was that Christ feels the same way as Pinhead does. I'd never
thought of that, in all the years I'd been thinking about Pinhead, it never occurred to me that Pinhead is wearing an organised
crown of thorns. But he is essentially, right...?
"Harry says, 'There's another who's been at the back of my head and I couldn't think who it was. But I've remembered now.'
Christ says, 'What about the other?' 'His head is pierced like yours, not with thorns but with nails.' Christ says,
'How he must suffer.' 'You think so?' 'Oh, I'm certain. So have him come to me, I would turn him, I would bring him into the
circle of my suffering.' Harry says, 'He has done terrible things.' And then the conversation gets a lot darker!
It suddenly gave this wonderful chance to have Christ say, 'Well bring him on over! It'll be fine. We'll chat - he's had some nails, I've
had some thorns...' But it's funny I should live with a piece of mythology, a piece of imagery as long as I've lived with Pinhead,
and got to twenty years of living with him, as it were, and had never made that connection before... I'm not saying this is a revelation,
I'm sure lots of people have thought of this before me. It's just a case of the author being incredibly frigging slow!"
Lord Of Art, Master Of Illusions
By Paul Kane, (i) FantasyCon brochure, 22-24 September, 2006 (ii) excerpted in The BFS: A Celebration, 2006 (note: full text online at www.shadow-writer.co.uk) (interview took place 10 May 2006)
"I am on the final draft of The Scarlet Gospels, with a huge final polish to do, simply because it's a huge book. If you want
to know, I'm on page 2,298 of my handwritten draft and I'm averaging between twelve and fifteen pages a day - which is not
quite where I would like to be but it's very dense writing. I mean, I'm in Hell, but this is not a Hell you've ever seen before
and these are not places you'd expect to find in Hell; in other words, what I'm trying to do is deliver a Hell that is fresh and
new in large measure. Obviously it's going to have demons and it's going to have pain and suffering, but I'm talking about
topography and architecture and wildlife - all the other things that give texture to my other invented worlds, if you like, to
Imajica, for instance. I'm trying to give some of that feeling to Hell so that it'll be Clive Barker's Hell. It's like writing a very,
very, very dark fantasy book right now.
"I think it'll be pretty scary; I think it goes in some very dark places, but it also... I'm not going to say anymore!! I'm excited
and anxious at the same time. I live and breathe it, you know?...
"I have promised that I will deliver this at the turn of the year, so, HarperCollins are looking for an autumn of next year
publication. And it'll be a big bugger, you know? It'll be a Great And Secret Show-sized book, so I think it'll be well worth
the wait."
You Called, He Came...
By Phil and Sarah Stokes, 2 and 3 June 2006 (note: full text here)
"This is a Hell of which the Cenobites and sado-masochism are only a part, and what we're going to see is a much larger landscape, so I'm about a third of the way through the final draft now. It's a horror novel, and my fans of that stuff deserve a big, fat book, so that's what I'm giving them."
Weird Fantasy
By Joe Nazzaro, Starburst, Special No 76, July 2006
"This book is not about Lemarchand, it's about what happens
when Hell puts down its machinery, meaning the little boxes, and takes up its older ways.
"There won't be a lot of back-story about Pinhead but we will be in his head a lot. I will also be revealing his true Cenobitic name,
yes, that will be there. I think it is going to be fun - there has never been a Hell like this, I can reasonably say, and it's still revealing
things to me, day by day, so that's fun...
"How much of Primordium will be echoed in the Hell of Scarlet Gospels? Some of it, yes, in the sense that the city is indeed a
proper city. You know, this is not a mediaeval vision of Hell that just looks like Hell's Kitchen, you know, with a bunch of people
being boiled in oil and thrown in fires. This is a place where fallen angels have attempted to build a society and a culture for
themselves. They haven't necessarily been very good at it, but they've tried and Hell is in many ways a reflection of their inability to
build because the vision they needed is a Divine vision and they don't really have anyone among them... There were a few exceptions,
Lucifer would be one of them but Lucifer doesn't come on the stage until towards the end...
"When he does show himself we see, oh boy, what Hell probably was at the beginning when the fallen angels decided to try and
make Heaven themselves and the only reference to that is a melancholy reference - I wanted to be melancholy about it. I'm a great
reader of Hellblazer, you know, the John Constantine comic, and whenever John goes down into Hell it's always fire pits and terrible
monsters and so on. But you think, but what do they do the next day..? You know, my characters are down in Hell for two-thirds of
the book - I had to get a sense for, how do you live down there? What colour is the sky? I have, in other words, approached Hell
much as I would approach a fantasy world, asking the questions that a fantasy writer would ask of his or her world: 'What is the
colour of the sky? What is the design of the buildings?' and so forth. There are patches of this huge novel that remind me of Imajica,
simply because we're in this very fucking strange place with nothing quite being what it seems, and yes it's violent and yes
sometimes it's scary, though it's not a horror novel in the conventional sense of the horror novel, in the sense of it having a
ghastly little jump every few minutes. I have no problem with it being called a horror novel - it should be - but it's an unconventional
vision of what a horror novel should be..."
Sowing The Seeds Of The Story Tree
By Phil and Sarah Stokes, 28 August and 4 September 2006 (note - full text here)
"One of the many characters in the story is Harry D'Amour, the detective whose life has been dogged by numberless encounters with the fecal matter of Hell. By chance I am presently writing a novel called The Scarlet Gospels, in which Harry, a weary but defiant hero, tracks a friend of his, taken hostage by the character colloquially dubbed Pinhead, down into the lowest levels of Hell. Here, a life-changing event will take place. An event that will deliver Harry back into The Art Trilogy (of which The Great and Secret Show is but the first volume) fundamentally and irredeemably changed. That descent, and Harry's wounding, was supposed to take about 35,000 words to write and be delivered to my publishers as a novella. It is now 240,000 words long, or thereabouts, and still growing. I mention this only because I very much hope that the extraordinary work that Chris, Gabriel, and colorist Jay Fotos have done on The Great and Secret Show, will be read and loved passionately enough to tempt them back to adapt the second book in The Art Trilogy, Everville."
By Clive Barker, The Great And Secret Show, Part One, 24 August 2006
"I've delivered to my typist everything from Scarlet Gospels; they've typed it all out and I'm just starting now the nine months
process of refining and just making it better. It's 232,000 words, however, just because it's been typed and I've got a number of
words and whatever, it's very tentative because the next piece of work to be done on it is in a way the most important of the lot,
which is the subtle surgery which comes with the desire just to make the thing better...
"It's a longer than normal book, I mean [nine months is] the time that Imajica took to be polished and I don't know what the
word-count of Imajica is, my guess is Imajica is 40,000 words longer than this, but I don't have a really accurate number in my
head. It's just very hard to make any real judgement about how long it's going to take because it's not just a question of reading
and correcting a piece of syntax here or putting a comma there - for me it's also a chance to step back from it for a little while
while they've been typing it up and now, on Monday next I can step back in and start the process of simply making the work better.
I'm pretty sure that what I have right now would be printable but it wouldn't be me doing my best and my readers deserve that. So
that's where that is.
"The enormity of Scarlet Gospels, not actually even the wordage but the conceptual enormity... We're going to Hell, guys! We're
going to meet Lucifer, we're going to see all those things that I've talked about almost in passing in other stories, or hinted at in
other stories, this time we're going to see the geography, this time there's going to be, if not a literal map, you could certainly
draw a mental map of Hell from the story and it would not resemble anything that Dante cooked up or actually any other vision of
Hell; I think it is unto itself. There's Hell, but also going to Golgotha, seeing Christ crucified; this isn't stuff I would want to treat
lightly or without due reverence. And the sheer scale of that... I was carrying it around for a long time and it was a big old weight
and a number of times when you've seen me it's been sitting on my head and even though I'm not done with it yet, I still have
one more journey through its complexities, I suppose since I've let it go, since I put the final full-stop on, I feel a lightening of
Pinhead's Progress
By Phil and Sarah Stokes, 15 and 22 December 2006 (note - full text here)
"Scarlet Gospels has reached its penultimate draft... I always go draft, draft, penultimate draft, finish. So the last draft
was the penultimate draft, I have to hope. You'd scare me if you said it was any other way. But I can't go back into it too
quickly. It's so fucking dark and I needed, having written 12,000 pages over the three drafts, I couldn't, I just couldn't do it,
I wanted to take a breath. It is an oppressively dark book and it was intended to be that, but, boy! I didn't realise that living
with it was going to be so heavy-going...
"I think Mister B. Gone is exactly what I wanted it to be and I'm very proud of it and I think Scarlet Gospels will be
exactly what I want it to be, but it was so much what I wanted it to be that I have to take a breath! So, Mister B. Gone
is breath one and breath two is what I'm doing now which is Abarat Three. And then, we'll see, but I think, you know, it'll
be a question of whether we do Abarat Four or whether I go back and do Scarlet Gospels and finish that off."
Mister B.
By Phil and Sarah Stokes, 18 June 2007 (note - full text here)
"I'd finished the penultimate draft and had one more to go. I gave myself a week between finishing that draft and starting the final
one, and in that week, I thought, 'You know, there's something in here that I want to spit out before I begin anything else big,'
because the Scarlet Gospels drafts are enormous and incredibly dark - even by my somewhat dark standards. It just felt to me
like there was something else cooking. I keep a journal of ideas that come along, and I went through that and found the word
'Jakabok,' which I kind of liked. It was something I'd written down - something I'd come up with in a period of name inventing.
I have nights when I just decide to fill a few pages with invented names - most of which will be shit, but every 25th one will be worth
something, and Jakabok had a nice rhythm to it. Then I'd written 'Not Book' and then the phrase 'Burn this book.'
It sort of went from there...
"Abarat is in 42 languages and there are people in 42 countries saying, 'Where's the next one?' Scarlet Gospels is there waiting
for one more draft, which will take a year to do because that's the size of the book. And that's fine. I'll get to it. But I really feel the
urgency of the audience, so Abarat is next, and I've finished almost all of the paintings for the third volume. The Abarat books are
probably going to get a little bit larger as they go on through the series. It's just the nature of telling those stories. The epic
narrative is only just unrolling, and certainly the paintings have become bigger - not physically larger, but in their subject matter.
They've become more ambitious and broader.
"I've always been inspired by the pictures. They always come first. I know from the paintings that this narrative is going to huge
places. So Abarat will definitely have to be next in order to keep that story rolling, and we'll see where we go from there. I can't
look too far ahead; otherwise it just gets overwhelming."
Gone And Back Again
By Carnell, Fangoria, No 268, November 2007
"Scarlet Gospels is a bloody big book. I have done three drafts on it, each one of which has been 4,000 pages of handwritten
material. This is a very dark book, even by my standards, and I wanted it to be my definitive visit to Hell. I also wanted it to be my
farewell to what I will always think of as Doug's Pinhead. Whenever I bring the character to mind, it's Doug's face I see.
As you know it's also got D'Amour in, so it's Scott Bakula's face I also see in that role.
"But I'd been working on it a long time and I'd got into a very, very dark place. There's a line from Nietzsche that often gets
quoted: 'If you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.' And that was what was happening, I had got into
a place where I felt as though I needed to take a step away from the work and before I did the final draft, I would take a
"Having decided to do that, the Devil finds work for idle hands. I have to write every day; it's in my bones, I can't not do it.
So the question was, 'do I start something, do I write a couple of short stories?' Somehow that didn't feel right. I've had for a
long time this idea of writing a book that really addressed the audience, the reader, in a way which was relatively new. I couldn't
find anyone who'd attempted this before. But I thought it's such an obvious idea in one sense."
Barker Gets Darker With Mister B. Gone
By Paul Kane, Dreamwatch Presents Total Sci-Fi, 1 November 2007
"Before starting The Scarlet Gospels, I went and looked at every book
about Hell I could find, to see if there was anything that had anything
close to what I wanted. The closest that I got was actually pictures of
war-torn cities, cities after destruction by gunfire, heavy duty artillery.
That's the best description of the Hell in Scarlet Gospels...
"The stuff in Scarlet Gospels is neither Miltonic nor Dante-esque, nor is it
Hellraiserian. Though of course the guy formerly known as Pinhead - he has another name in the book - he despises the name Pinhead; it's a
name given to him by the creatures he tortures. It's not a very respectful
name, so it pisses him off a little bit. The Hell I'm creating for that
book, I just want it to be real. I want it to have no clear sense of dominions
and principalities, no clear sense of order, the way that - I was talking
to my friend who did two tours of duty in Iraq - the kind of chaos
of Baghdad, no one really knowing anything for sure, even the soldiers. Everything being in doubt all the time, to the extent that it becomes part
of a soldier's day, to listen to every piece of rumor, even about what his
own people are saying...
"I suppose if
I had to liken Hell to anything, it would be what would happen if a massive
bomb were to go off in the present day Vatican, and you and I were
the first people to get there after it had gone off. What would you see
of treasures, and pain, and glorious things and inglorious things? Shit
and Michelangelo. To me, that's a very potent idea, to put those two
things together. Yes, shit and Michelangelo."
The Company of Monsters: An Interview with Clive Barker
By Evan J. Peterson, The Southeast Review, Volume 26.2, 2008
"[The Scarlet Gospels] will come along - you know, I have three drafts of it. To be very honest, I had a grim period in my life where a lot of very dark things happened and the idea of going back and doing the fourth draft of a 250,000 word book with so much death around me was just a little too much for me at that point, so I did what I knew was best for my psyche. And I think that's one thing probably I never talk about which is the fact that, because I treat this stuff with respect, it has an effect upon me, and it would be stupid of me to minimise it and say, 'Well, you know, it's inconsequential' - it isn't inconsequential, these things affect me deeply."
Interview With Clive Barker
By Rick Kleffel, 1 and 2 September 2008, The Agony Column (note - full audio online at www.bookotron.com/agony/)
"I am also going to kill Pinhead, which I know a lot of fans are looking forward to... The man with the pins in his skull will be put to rest in a book I am paying close attention to called The Scarlet Gospels. I am saying goodbye to the 'hell' portion of my life forever. This is my farewell and goodnight. The reason it has not been finished is because the pressure has been on for me to get more Abarat out there - so I think it will be about three more years before The Scarlet Gospels is completed. It is a humongous book and it brings my career full circle in many ways...
"One of the reasons I wanted to take such time and care with The Scarlet Gospels is because I want to do right by it and by the mythology. I am killing off Pinhead in this book in such a way that it will be impossible for me - and I emphasise me - to ever resurrect him. What people do after I am gone is up to them. I don't have the movie rights over the material so I have no control. That is what it is. I will just get on, write my novel, and I think people will find it to be a satisfactory farewell."
Still Raising Hell
By Calum Waddell, Judge Dredd Megazine, No 286, 21 July 2009
"It will blow your mind, I hope, when it's delivered. But it's not ready yet and it's too important for me to spoil. No pressure."
Twitter Posts
By Clive Barker, 14 October 2012
"A lot of you ask about the status of The Scarlet Gospels. Firstly, thank you for caring. Several portions of the book are written and the scale of the narrative is massive. This is without doubt the most metaphysically ambitious book of mine since Imajica. But unlike Imajica, which offered an entirely new cast of characters, The Scarlet Gospels builds its narrative around Harry D'Amour and the Hellraiser mythology. Unlike Mister King, who has found brilliant ways to connect his different worlds so that we come to understand that each is an echo or reflection of the rest, I have no such grand ambition in mind. I simply want to tell an apocalyptic tale in which Harry will meet the forces of Hell as they appear in The Hellbound Heart and the first Hellraiser movie.
"Since I became so unwell earlier this year I am trying to be a little kinder to myself. That means that I can't tell you exactly when the book will be finished, only that it will be. My love and heartfelt thanks for all the concern you've shown for my well being. Over and over again I've been gently advised to get well first, then worry about which story will be told when I've finished the fifth and final Abarat book. I hope this was useful. Now I head back [to] Abarat, where Christmas Day has just dawned..."
Facebook Posts
By Clive Barker, 21 October 2012
"The Scarlet Gospels is half way done, but contains a lot of very dark and controversial material which will take much more work before it's ready for publication. I believe it will be quite an interesting subject for debate in the Vatican when it's published."
Facebook Q&A
Replies to questions at a live Facebook Q&A session, 15 December 2012
"Let me offer some clarifications regarding the projects I will pursue after Abarat... The Scarlet Gospels... will bring the haunted detective Harry D'Amour face to face with Pinhead on a trek back to the night of the Nativity."
Facebook Posts
By Clive Barker, 19 March 2012
"SCARLET GOSPELS is in large part written, but I can't find the six months it will take to complete it until I have finished with ABARAT. It is a complex book, interweaving many lives , many journeys. The most controversial of those journeys will take us back to Bethlehem, on the night of the Nativity. No Biblical Testament dares recount what really happened on that night. That task falls to THE SCARLET GOSPELS...
"Matthew, you are absolutely right. The Scarlet Gospel does indeed contain a code. The code of our humanity. I know it's frustrating when I take such a long time with my books. And I'm aware that many other writers produce work far faster than I do. But I can't push my imagination to develop these ideas any faster than it does. I am diving down into some deep places to find these mysteries, and it takes time."
Facebook Posts
By Clive Barker, 9 July 2013
"I thought you might like to know that THE SCARLET GOSPELS, a large novel which sets Harry D'Amour against the Hell Priest Pinhead, is finished, and has been delivered to my agent. I don't yet have a publication date for it, but as soon as I do you'll be the first to know. I won't say anything about the narrative except this: it's a HORROR NOVEL with the graphic violence and perverse eroticism of the most intense tales from the Books Of Blood. Please feel free to share this news with any friends who might have been wondering about the book: THE SCARLET GOSPELS ARE FINISHED."
Facebook Posts
By Clive Barker, 9 September 2013
"I unfortunately can't even speculate as to the publication date of the book. It's out of my hands, depending on the scheduling of other books on the publisher's list. In my experience it never takes less than a year from delivery to street date, but it could be longer. The point is, it's fruitless for me to try a guessing game because there are so many variables in play. I would ask you only to know that the book is on its way to the stores but beyond that I can tell you nothing."
Facebook Posts
By Clive Barker, 9 September 2013
"The D'Amour of THE SCARLET GOSPELS... is steeped in very visceral, and at times scatalogical, horrors."
Facebook Posts
By Clive Barker, 10 September 2013
"There's NOTHING in THE SCARLET GOSPELS which has already been published [in the Hellraiser comics]. Why would I insult my readers by recycling a piece of narrative?"
Facebook Posts
By Clive Barker, 11 September 2013
"By Friday the publishers of THE SCARLET GOSPELS will be announced, following an informal auction. As soon as I am allowed to speak on the subject, you'll be the first to know who will be publishing the novel and when it will be available. I'm very excited. I haven't written in the persona of the Hell Priest known as Pinhead for a very long time. And I think I can say that I have never had the chance to tell so epic a story about him, nor one in which he and the world of Humankind have so much to lose. Add the character of Harry D'Amour to the mix and this becomes a narrative that is truly driven by a war of primal forces. A war in which Heaven offers good men scant protection, and Hell offers its agents even less..."
Facebook Posts
By Clive Barker, 3 October 2013
"Just a quick update on The Scarlet Gospels. My editor has supplied me with his insights, which are smart and will be incorporated into my final pass before I turn it over to my publishers once and for all. I don't have a definite pub[lication] date yet but I promise that as soon as I do, which won't be very long, it will be right here, for you."
Facebook Posts
By Clive Barker, 17 January 2014
"I didn't want to do a medieval version of Hell with hellfire and brimstone and you know, cauldrons full of the damned - that didn't seem appropriate at all for me, or indeed for Pinhead. So I wanted something that was modern; this needed to be a Hell that Pinhead could walk and we could see him in that context and understand that he belonged there... I want people to come to the Hell that I've tried to produce in this book with a certain freshness and maybe get a little surprise when they see how complex it is, how layered it is. It's a very political Hell.
"Hell goes on and on. As I said in another book of mine - The Damnation Game - Hell is reimagined by every generation. And I think, loosely speaking, that's true. We have to reinvent the worst so that we can reinvent the best... I think bureaucracy is the key thing because that's where we reflect what is going on in our century, in our time. The zeitgeist of humanity should be the zeitgeist of Hell.
"I did [make notes about the structure of Hell], partly because I can get those things wrong in a heartbeat and it's good that I did because when I came back from being away in coma-land, I had all that paperwork to refer to. In the end you just go with the emotion of the thing rather than the diagrams. The diagrams are very useful for a time but in the end, it's what presses the
characters forward in terms of their emotion."
Clive Barker
By David Barr Kirtley, Geek's Guide to the Galaxy, Episode 151, 10 May 2015
"I have wanted to share this vision of Hell for as far back as I can remember... I grew up in a post-war Europe, and that always seemed far more immediate and terrible than any Dantean depiction of Hell as this very tidy place with nine circles, each of which is cordoned off to special kinds of suffering or damnations. The apocalypse will not be organised. Why then should The Pit? It seems to me that if Hell exists, it would be like the Warsaw ghettos as run by the Nazis...
"Keeping in step with the themes here, the original model for Pinhead was the Nazis. Himmler, specifically. Here was a man who had occult ties and a fiendishly sadistic side, but somehow kept himself at arm's length from the 'unseemly' side of the Holocaust. For god's sake, he once went to a concentration camp and passed out because blood got on his glasses. That's a fascinating psyche, and I've never really been able to shake the imagery loose. Pair that with the fact that I thought it was time the bastard got what he deserved, and it becomes undeniable that there's a story wanting to be told. It became a novel when the story informed me that there was a much bigger plot afoot. Books are funny that way...
"Harry shows up in a lot of my books, and he's had an appointment with Mr Head that was rather longstanding. It seems to me that Harry and Pinhead are complementary souls. Blake's The Everlasting Gospels - an undeniable inspiration, as you can likely see by the title alone - says, 'Both read the Bible day and night. But thou read'st black where I read white.' That's very much the dynamic we have with these two characters. Both characters are in Hell. Harry has fashioned his own and keeps going deeper. Pinhead has become a prisoner and is doing everything he can to escape. They were made for each other."
The Gospel Truth
By Joseph McCabe, SFX, No 261, July 2015
Mark Miller : "When Clive asked me if I would help finish The Scarlet Gospels, I said 'Yes' without hesitating. Clive paused and told me I should probably think about it and then get back to him. Then, without hesitation, I again said 'Yes.'
"Shortly after, Robb Humphreys handed me a stack of paper over 2,000 pages high and said, 'That's most of it.'
It was then that I realized I should have hesitated. But despite its Herculean appearance, I've already completed a considerable chunk of the beast and am having a tremendous amount of fun in the process.
"Clive started the book no small number of years ago, and the fans have been waiting even longer than that, so I hope I can do it justice. Whether I will remains to be seen, but what I can tell you is the book is well on its way. The Scarlet Gospels are almost here."
E-mail to Revelations
By Mark Miller, 24 September 2010
Mark Miller : "We're about 80% of the way done... and it would be further along but we lost all of our Hellraiser [comic] writers and so I'm pretty much, you know, the number one guy on that and that's taking up a lot of time. But my run ends with issue sixteen. I've just finished fourteen. As soon as I've finished fifteen and sixteen and they get those back for editing and those are ready to go... [It'll take] maybe a month, maybe two months... but Gospels is on its way!"
Mad Monster Party Part 1
By Ryan Danhauser, The Clive Barker Podcast, 28 March 2012 (note - full audio online at www.clivebarkercast.com/)
Mark Miller : "I think [St Martin's Press] are looking at a sort of mid-to-late 2015. We submitted the book and the publisher loved it; they've given their notes and Clive's working on it now - that's one of the two books I mentioned that he has a big deadline on and he's toiling away and, you know, it's cool, really cool... And it's big - it's not too dense like The Stand or Clive's Imajica, but it's big. It packs a punch."
Mark Miller
By Brad, Picking Brains Podcast, Episode 70, 6 March 2014 (note - full audio at picking-brains.com/)
Earthling Publications : "Earthling Publications is thrilled to announce that we have acquired the rights to publish the limited, signed, deluxe edition of Clive Barker's THE SCARLET GOSPELS... Details regarding print run, design, and special features will be announced and ordering will commence by January 1, 2015."
The Scarlet Gospels Deluxe Edition is Coming
By Paul Miller, Earthling Publications, 31 October 2014 (note - full text online at earthlingpub.com)
The Scarlet Gospels bibliography...